Garage Sales in a Gated Community?
Online Solutions

Holding the traditional garage sale in a non-traditional gated community such as Hide-A-Way Hills has a couple of hurdles one needs to address to achieve success.

Two obvious differences in a gated community is the ability to advertise to the general public and to receive drive by traffic other than your neighbors. In an effort to help clear out those closets every year, the HAH Social Committee sponsors a "Community Garage Sale". This annual event seems to do the trick for most, but could there be other options for those who wish to hold a sale at a different time of year?

When clearing out those garages, drawers and closets grab your digital camera and you'll be ready to set up shop. The following sites offer FREE listings of items which has allowed these communities to emerge as an oasis for the garage sale enthusiast.

Craig's List


Ready to turn your junk into cash? Remember the following tips:

  • Upload a picture.
    The internet is a visual world and Buyers are more likely to skip right by an ad with no photo.
  • List items separately.
    Chances are nobody will need a size 8, 9, and 10 of anything.

  • Keep costs reasonable.
    You will not get "what it would cost in the store" prices out of most items.

  • Set a time limit.
    If your ad has been running for 3 weeks, it most likely is not going to sell at the price you have it listed. You need to make the decision to lower your price or donate to a charity and take the tax deduction.

  • Remember your safety.
    There is no need to list your address and phone number until you have an interested buyer and those details can be handled through email.

  • Reward Yourself!
    Why you certainly don't want to reload with new junk, take some time out to browse the sales. Who knows what new treasure you will find!

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