Volunteers tackle HAH Improvements

Volunteers have taken on some tasks to help spruce up the Hide-A-Way Hills common grounds. Without such giving Members, HAH would just be another ordinary place to live.

  • Recently, the trees at The Lodge have been pulled and replaced with new pines at no cost to the Club.

  • The maintenance area was adopted, cleaned and organized for a nice polished look.

  • With oversite of the Lakes Commitee, a new common area is in the development to support walking trails w/plant ids, a canoe storage rack, and a canoe launching dock. These plans are for a currently overlooked area at the north end of the Lake of Four Seasons.

  • Volunteers have adopted the abandoned Pool area with ideas to follow.

  • Lake Ski volunteers have made it their mission to remove old wiring and old snow machine equipmet. Yep, in HAH's infancy, the area was billed as a ski resort and we have the ole junk to prove it.

  • The Lodge was given its gay apparel this Christmas by caring HAH volunteers.

  • Volunteers replaced over 100 Christmas light bulbs at the front entrance.

  • 2 truck loads of twigs, leaves and debris were removed from the beach area while the lake was lowered.

  • Materials and manpower were donated to spruce up the Great Room driveway with a new rock wall.

Of course, this is just the tip of the manpower supplied to HAH from its Members.

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Weekender said...

My wife and myself have just completed are first year at HAH. We love it very much.

We’re only there on the weekends and not much during the winter but can’t wait for spring.

I just wanted to comment on how great the maintenance area looks. What a welcome change. And many of the other changes are terrific too.

I’ve been a little sad to see trash here and there when we take a walk. It’s hard to believe a few people would do that to our beautiful community. I always try to pick up trash when I take a walk and encourage others to do the same.

Glad to see the blog started Belinda.


Belinda Augustus said...

Hello Mike,

Thanks for commenting! ! !

You're the first! Glad to see somebody's reading. [smile]

I agree completely with your thoughts about trash sometimes found along the road. The one thing I notice however, is that trash, if and when it finds its way to our roads, often does not stay there very long. WHY? Because of Members such as yourself and many others who refuse to allow others to destroy the beauty. Some Members organize every Spring to head out through the Hills with their infamous green plastic bags to fill. Unfortunatly, nobody comes back empty.

BUT, that's what makes HAH so unique. The pride and the dedication in making HAH an awesome place can easily be found in its Membership.