Quick Pics - Red Tailed Hawk

This photo was taken from my home office on an early February evening while working at my desk. The hawk swooped across the wooded lot and perched about 200' away. Its visit lasted no more than 3 minutes and the hawk didn't come in much closer, but these visits are a common occurrence in Hide-A-Way Hills.

The songbird eating "bird of prey" is said to dine on rodents according to the National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, but the bird feeders run scarce when their distinctive harsh call, Keeeeer, is heard from overhead.

Wildlife Rehab and Falconry, a blogger from Powell, Ohio has blogged her experience as a rehabilitation volunteer and a student at Ohio Wildlife Center. Here she shares the Sybmbolism of the Red Tailed Hawk.

Hide-A-Way Hills is home to a host of wildlife that I hope to share with prospective Buyers, interested Sellers, and satisified Members over the next year. Of course, please feel free to Contact Me for information on Hide-A-Way Hills or the current real estate market.

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Anonymous said...

hide away hills seems like a scary place with all those hawks swooing around

Belinda Augustus said...

No reports of people being swooped away by hawks have been filed. [smile]

Anonymous said...

I ment to say swooping not swooing,must not have spellcheck on the comment board. I didn't think the hawks would swoop me away I was wooried about my pet rat Englebert.

Belinda Augustus said...

Yes. Rabbits, squirrels, mice, songbirds, and even precious Englebert could fall victim to this gorgeous species. BUT, as long as Englebert does not spend anytime outdoors unattended all should be well.