Quick Pics -Winter - Barn

Hide-A-Way Hills Stables was part of the purchase by the original developer in the early 1960's, and is rumored to be over 100 years old. The stable is a popular amenity with limited space and currently has a waiting list of members wishing to stable a horse. The facility includes a barn, a tack room, 3 fields, a practice riding ring, and several shelter stands. There is electric and a well at the facility. While the facility receives a small budget each year for repairs, the members who currently use this facility are certainly putting there own personal time and funds into making this amenity a true gem for our community!

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My thoughts and ideas are but one view of my personal experience with Hide-A-Way Hills. Do you have a question, comment or wish to share a story about your experience? Please, feel free to submit your comments below any of the articles or Send Me A General Comment.

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Anonymous said...

Can you have more than one horse at the barn? How long is the waiting list and is there much turn over on it?

Belinda Augustus said...


You may not have more than one horse in the barn while there is a waiting list. Hide-A-Way Hills Club office reports there are currently 12 Members on the waiting list. The last stall was issued 11/05.

With these information, it appears it could take awhile to get a horse in the HAH Stable. In the mean time, there is private horse boarding center, Conrad's, which is right outside the front gates of HAH. Several members use this facility due to their proximity to HAH.