Hot Trends for Front Porch Makeovers

The front porch is making a comeback in a big way, says author James Crisp, whose new book, On the Porch: Creating Your Place to Watch the World Go By, was just published by Taunton Press.

But this isn’t grandma’s front porch. Today’s front porch is more of an outdoor room with everything from stereo systems to carpets, curtains, ceiling fans and fireplaces.

Crisp and co-author Sandra Mahoney offer the following advice for people considering adding a front porch to a new or older home:

* Before designing a porch, research zoning regulations, such as minimum setback from the property line and the percentage of property that can be covered with a structure.

* Allow enough room for furniture and additional guests — and for moving around.

* Decide thoughtfully between a screened porch and an open-air one. A screened porch blocks light to the rest of the house, while bugs can be a nuisance on an open-air porch.

* Don’t get hung up on making the porch look old fashioned. Be creative. Today’s porch can be taller and more open and its floor can be a weather-resistant composite material or decorative concrete.

Source: St. Paul Pioneer Press, Molly Millett (06/23/07)


Hammer Head said...

Porches do seem to be popular, in the past 6 months i've built 4 front porches and one back porch ,with a fire place.