Blooming Dogwoods in Southern Ohio, Hide-A-Way Hills

One of the first signs that spring is definitely here is the arrival of the Dogwood trees' full bloom.

Hocking County and the Hide-A-Way Hills area are home to numerous "volunteer" trees. In other words, they aren't necessarily planted by man, but rather have grown as part of the natural forest. Naturalized Dogwoods have the habit of receiving protective cover under the forest canopy because of both the shade and the nutrient rich forest floor.

Dogwoods are often thought of as an historical tree since they were often planted around many early presidential homes. However, when I see the trees in bloom, I'm reminded of the old saying many a fisherman would tell, "When the Dogwoods are a bloomin, the crappie are a runnin." Time to grab those fishing poles.

A home purchase now should have you enjoying the beauty of the forest in time to view the balance of the deciduous trees emerge into their full spring foilage colors.
Ready for a Visit? Belinda Augustus 740-438-1364