What my clients have to say...

"Belinda was a great guide for us during the selling of our home in HAH....we took several years to get it in "mint" condition and she saw this right away since she was the realtor we used when we bought the "fixer-upper". She truly appreciated the work we did on the cabin, and helped us get the "right" buyer for our lovely little cabin in the woods. She knows the area and can help a new or former client get the best price for their property. Thanks again Belinda..and best of luck on future sales in HAH."

Thanks again...hope to work with you again some day.

Susan and Don Douglas


Nicole Kraft said...

We could not agree more! Speaking as a buyer and a seller, we would not want to work with anyone else!
Nicole & Brian Kraft

Belinda Augustus said...

Ahhh, Thanks so much Nicole. Clients such as you and Brian are what make by job so rewarding. You're good people, so your words mean the world to mean. It is certainly with regrets that we get to work together again. I truly am saddened to see you go, but happy to know there is always the chance we will see you and your family around when coming to visit your father. :)