Hide-A-Way Hills Drug Free Work Place

Hide-A-Way Hills Club has begun to implement a drug free work place policy. Effective immediately all new hires will undergo drug testing before employment while existing employees will be tested through out the year.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Let's invade our employees privacy. You might "weed" out a pot smoker or two, but LSD is untestable, and coke/crack only stays in your system for a couple days.

Heil-a-Way Hills!!

Belinda Augustus said...

My assumption is that HAH pays into Ohio Workman's Compensation to cover our employess. In order to receive a reduced insurance rate from the Bureau, employers must implement drug free policies which include random testing and at least one annual meeting. Some companies have seen a reduction by 1/2 of their previous policy rates. While only my assumption, and as stewards of our assessment dollars, it appears HAH is making reductions where ever they can find them.