Hide-A-Way Hills Interior based on Native American Influences

Hide-A-Way Hills, OH contains 31 miles of roads and approximately 66 different street names. Of the 66 named roads, 95% of these contain either a direct reference to Native American groups or to animals that possessed a prominent influence in Native American mythology.

Even though a lot number in HAH is typically enough information to identify a location since there are no duplicate lot numbers, the original developers researched an extensive list of Native American influences to help identify street names within Hide-A-Way Hills.

For some odd reason, the other 5% take a wild turn and seem to imply a Swiss/German influence. My guess is there's a story here, but I have no information on the uniqueness of those road names.

I thought it might be fun to see what all these names meant. What does your street name mean? Would you say you agree?

Roads Based on Native American Groups and their English Translations
Anoka - both sides of the river or two sides of the river
Apache - enemy (Zuni word)
Arapaho - he buys or trades
Aztec - someone who comes from Aztlán
Beaver - sacred center
Blackfoot - Siksika refers to the dark colored moccasins the people wear
Catawba - river people
Cayuse -people of the shady place
Cherokee - the principle people
Cheyenne - people of a different speech
Chicksaw rebel or comes from Chicsa
Chinook - Breeze or Wind
Crow - people who live in earth houses
Flathead -did not practice head flattening as other tribes, so the tops of their heads were flatter.
Fox - people of the red earth, people of the yellow earth
Huron - ruffian (French word)
Iroquois - real adders (Snake)
Kato - lake
Kickpaoo - one who goes here, then there
Kusa - 'grass' clan members that used hiding in fields /woodlands to become invisible.
Maya - old ones
Mingo - Big Bear
Mohawk - the possessors of the flint
Mohican - wolf
Montezuma - Indian Chief Bright Stream means at the Foot of the Mountain
Nootka - all along the mountains and sea
Natchez - land spreading out in hills in all directions
Navajo - people
Nez Perce - those with pierced noses
Osage - halfway
Oto - original Men
Papago - desert people, bean people
Pima - river people
Piute - true Ute or water Ute, indicating their kinship with the Ute Indians
Pomo - People
Pueblo -village or we are brothers
Seneca - place of stone, people of the standing rock, great hill people
Shawnee - south or southerners
Sauk - people of the yellow earth
Taos - Red Willow (Native American guides rhyme with house.)
Tillamook - land of many waters
Tule - people
Twana - the big brave nation
Ute - land of the sun
Winnebago - people of filthy water/Men of Bad Smelling Water (Luxury motor home?)
Winnemucca - shell flower
Wintun - the word simply means "human being" or "person"
Wyandotte - people of the peninsula, islanders
Yokutz - people or person
Yonkalla -
Band of the Kalapuya people in the Umpqua River valley. 
Yana - person
Zuni - the flesh

Animals with important influence in Native American Mythology
Native American Lore Index ~
150 different tales of lore are contained in the index.
Bears Paw
Cardinal Hill

Finally, completely outside the Native American genre, we see a curiously different Swiss/German theme with several of our street names.

Swiss/German Themed
Enchanted Forest
Like I mentioned before, I suspect there's an old story to why these names were selected outside of the implied scope. Of course, if you have a clue, please feel free to share!

NOTE: While thought to be accurate, the previous translation of Native American information is certainly not authoritative nor exhaustive and was compiled strictly for your enjoyment.

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