The Full Time or Part Time Member Debate - Hide-A-Way Hills, Ohio

While noted incorrectly on several of my competitors' web sites and through out circles of friends within our community, the majority of Hide-A-Way Hills Members occupy their homes on a part time basis.

There are 724 households listed as Members of Hide-A-Way Hills in the Hide-A-Way Hills Directory. This is an icrease of 6 households since Aug of 07 (718 Households).

Of those households, 320 report receiving mail at one of the 3 Hide-A-Way Hills postal mail locations. Based on raw numbers and the assumption that only full time residents would have a postal box for mail, it would be safe to estimate that 44% of Hide-A-Way Hills Members are full time residents! This is a 1% decrease from last year's numbers of 45%. One might be able to connect the number of bank owned properties to the increase in part time status, but since I didn't record the number of Memberships that were held by banks in 07, I can't draw the connection. However, it will be interesting next year to see if we continue to see the decline in full time Memberships as a trend.

Any margin of error should include that some full time members may receive mail at a local work location while 'snow birds' who live in the Hills full time during the summer, may have a second home somewhere warmer in the winter. The following numbers were compiled as of 11-11-08

This information deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed.


Hammer Head said...

Very interesting information. Do you know how many members have homes or cabins and how many just own lots, or what the total number of homes and cabin is?

Anonymous said...

One cannot go by who receives mail at mail boxes solely.

The Lancaster PO has over 1500 PO boxes it rents to people that do not get mail at their place of residence or work. Same with Post Offices in Columbus, Sugar Grove etc. Some keep the PO Box no matter where they live or move to. Some have had the same PO box for decades.

Then again some have residential and PO Box delivery together for what ever reason.

Snow birds would keep their boxes in HAH and just put in a temp address change to their winter homes.