Demographics from Neighboroo.Com

While numerous real estate sites exist to provide home owners information on neighboorhood home pricing, Neighboroo.Com is a new real estate portal dedicated to creating a database of information related specifically to locations. Let's take a look at Hide-A-Way Hills, OH

While Neighboroo.Com does not analyze Hide-A-Way Hills, OH individually, we are still able to extract some relevant information from their databases. Hide-A-Way Hills is encompassed by two area zip codes. The searches I conducted on both zip codes (43155 and 43107) yielded basically the same results with few variances worth mentioning.

For my purpose, location facts describing Hide-A-Way Hills were extracted from a Neighboroo.Com area search of 43155.

Cost of Living - 99 (US Average is 100. The Cost of Living Index compares the cost of basic consumer goods and services for each region to the national average, which is designated as 100. Goods and services include food, utilities, health services and transportation. Home pricing was excluded.)

Effective Tax Rate 10.11% (4.99% Income Tax and 6.75% Sales Tax)

Property Tax Rate 1.03%

Population 2,500 (80 per square mile) with the female to male ratio being equal. Singles without children make up 27.1% of our populace. 34.5% of the residents are married with children. Population growth of 29% has occured since 1990.

Young Kids 13%
Gen X 24%
Gen Y 20%
Baby Boomers 34%
Retirees 12%
Median Age 38.8 Years
98.5% White

Life Stages and Spending Patterns Neighboroo.Com identifies the 43155 zip code as mostly families living comfortably. As a group, the populace often indulges, but can not afford high-end expenses consistently.

Religion Predominately Christian

Republican 64%
Democrat 36%

Median Home Price $113, 600 - Owner Occupied - Average Rent $700 for 2 Bedroom - 68% Home Ownership with an average of 7.2 years in current residence. For information on Hide-A-Way Hills Housing, see Hide-A-Way Hills - Diversity in Housing Age, Size and Style

Risk Index Moderately Low (This indicator is used by lenders to analyze area risk)

Foreclosure Moderate (This is great for the area, considering Ohio is the number one state in the country for foreclosure rates.)

Crime Index 10 with zero being the safest. A score of 43 is average.

39.5 inches average rainfall and 15.9 inches of snow on average per year. Sunshine accounts for an average of 176 days with precipitation being recorded 138 days per year.

Average Household Income $45,100 with 2.7 persons per household.
Average work commute is 45 minutes. White collar 68% Blue collar 32% - More blue collar than average. 19% job growth rate expected over the next 5 years.

Once again, these figures represent the zip code area of 43155 in Fairfield County and does not represent Hide-A-Way Hills individually, but these are currently some of the best stats we have available.

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